Groundworks package secured at South London & Maudsley Hospital

J P Dunn Construction Ltd have been awarded the contract for the substructure to a new five storey building to accommodate an in-patient mental health facility comprising 8 wards. The new building, named Douglas Bennet House, forms part of the Maudsley Hospital in Denmark Hill. The purpose-built building will house adult inpatient services, including four specialist wards and a psychiatric intensive care unit. The building will incorporate approximately 10,000m2 of space over 6 levels.
The project has been procured by Integrated Health Projects – a joint venture comprising of Vinci and Sir Robert McAlpine. It is the latest in a series of NHS projects to be undertaken by the J P Dunn during 2020, including works at both St Barts and Royal Brompton Hospitals – underlining the importance of construction during the pandemic. The project will be managed by Florin Ticulet and Michal Sulkowski.